Fall Tryouts 2024 Volleyball
You must have your OVR tryout membership in order to participate in tryouts. This membership is SEPARATE from our tryout registration. Please bring your tryout membership card to check-in at tryouts.
Tryouts will be closed to the public, however, parents can enter to help check players in and make sure they are settled. Players must bring their own water bottle and are not permitted to share.
Players are permitted to one tryout contact per weekend. They can have a contact period up to 3 hours, meaning they can attend tryouts for up to 2 age groups in one day. Please refer to the USAV age divisions chart prior to registering for tryouts.
***Please note that times may need to be adjusted/changed. If a tryout registration meets our maximum capacity for the gym, we will open a 2nd tryout for that age group.***
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- Individual Fees
- Regular 15.0
- Individual Fees
- Regular 15.0
- Individual Fees
- Regular 15.0
- Individual Fees
- Regular 15.0